Limited Mobility Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Get the Benefits of Exercise

We’ve discussed the importance of exercise for aging well before. But what about those living with chronic conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease or another mobility-limiting condition? What can they do to keep fit?
The good news is that exercise can be done by almost everyone. Many people living a chronic condition may restrict their physical activity, either because it’s painful or under the mistaken belief that exercise will worsen their condition. The truth is that exercise is one of the best ways to strengthen bones, increase flexibility and ease joint pain. Numerous studies have shown that regular exercise protects the body against chronic diseases, improves mood and lowers your chance of injury. Here are some exercises that are particularly suited for those who are mobility challenged.
Tai chi
Tai chi is an excellent form of movement that almost everyone can participate in, including those in wheelchairs. An article published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that tai chi helped those living with osteoarthritis, COPD and heart failure show improvement in four areas: a six-minute walking test, muscle strength, the time it takes to get up and move, and quality of life. The best part? These results were accomplished without any pain while performing the exercises. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that people living with fibromyalgia who participated in tai chi classes twice a week for 12 weeks reported less pain than the control group, who participated in stretching sessions and wellness education twice a week. According to another study in the same publication, tai chi was particularly useful in improving balance in people living with Parkinson’s. The study randomly assigned nearly 200 men and women with mild to moderate Parkinson’s into three groups – one group did strength-building exercises, one did stretching and one did tai chi. After six months, the tai chi group were stronger and had better balance than participants in the strength and stretching groups. Most importantly, they had fewer falls.
Yoga/flexibility exercises
Like tai chi, yoga, range of motion and flexibility exercises can be done by nearly everyone and can help relieve stiffness and increase your ability to move your joints with less pain. For those with more limited mobility, this may include simple seated exercises such as moving your neck from side to side and front to back, reaching your arms across your chest, raising your shoulders toward your ears, etc.
Strength training
Lifting weights or using resistance bands help build muscle and bone mass, improve balance and helps prevent falls. For those who have limited or no mobility in their legs, upper body training still provides benefits.
Aerobic exercises
Aerobic exercise includes any activity that raises your heart rate. It includes walking, swimming, cycling, and tennis, just to name a few. According to a study published in Neurology magazine, brisk walking is one of the most effective exercises to help ease the symptoms of Parkinson’s. The research indicated that those who walked quickly enough to raise the heart rate improved both their movement symptoms, such as rigidity, as well as fatigue, depression and cognitive difficulties. Many people with mobility issues find exercising in water especially beneficial, as it is often less painful and the water supports the body, often making it easier to move.
Daily activities
Not all exercise has to be a formal routine. Gardening, walking the dog and even cleaning the house can all be forms of exercise.
Before starting any exercise routine, be sure and talk to your doctor. He or she will be able to “prescribe” a routine that will work for your particular condition or situation.