Charlesgate Celebrates Senior Prom

At Charlesgate Nursing Center, residents and staff are like family to each other. Many staff members do special things for residents on a daily basis, without fanfare, as part of the daily routine. But a recent event brought to light how special the relationship is.
Recently, the Charlesgate activity staff hosted a prom for our residents. A prom committee of residents and staff was formed to discuss and plan the refreshments, entertainment and party favors.
Lori Hesford, the Director of Nursing at Charlesgate Assisted Living, selflessly donated her time and services, providing hair care and skin treatments to the residents on prom day. Tara Colvin, the Director of Social Services, made keepsake party favors for the residents to commemorate the occasion. The residents enjoyed music and danced (with each other and with staff), to entertainment by Eric Colin.
The refreshments were provided by Chef John Ladish and the dietary department. The menu was developed by the prom committee and every request was fulfilled, including a sparkling cider toast to celebrate our prom queen and king, Karen Mosher and Ernest Lampron. Ernest stated, “It was the best event I have attended at Charlesgate! I hope they do it every year.”
And lastly, the event would not have been a success without the extraordinary efforts of our CNAs. They went above and beyond to ensure the residents were looking their best and ready for the prom by helping them get ready for the special day.
They went shopping for clothes and accessories on their own time, often gifting items to the residents. Susan Levy, a long-term resident said, “Maria R made me look and feel like a princess and the prom was fun and beautiful! I loved every minute of it.”
Special events like this shine a light on the dedication and commitment of many staff to their family of residents. This is definitely an event we plan to repeat every year!